AAG Open Forum

AAG 2020 CFP: 'Arts of Noticing': Learning, Writing, and Being Affected in More-than-Human Geographies

  • 1.  AAG 2020 CFP: 'Arts of Noticing': Learning, Writing, and Being Affected in More-than-Human Geographies

    Posted 10-15-2019 15:46

    Call for Papers: AAG 2020

    'Arts of Noticing': Learning, Writing, and Being Affected in More-than-Human Geographies

    Loren March, University of Toronto, Department of Geography & Planning
    Timothy Bristow, University of Toronto, Department of Geography & Planning

    Submission Deadline: October 20, 2019

    "There is an urgent need to supplement the familiar repertoire of humanist methods that rely on generating talk and text with experimental practices that amplify other sensory, bodily and affective registers and extend the company and modality of what constitutes a research subject."
    - Sarah Whatmore, 2006

    "The writers of the Anthropocene […] are seeking the meaning machines and desiring machines through which the dramatic, unknowable trajectory on which we are embarked can become a story and be lived."
    - Mary Louise Pratt, 2017

    "We are moved by things. And in being moved, we make things."
    - Sara Ahmed, 2010

    Geography's attention has increasingly turned to questions of relationality, embodiment, affect, and more-than-human encounter in recent years (Lorimer, 2012; Whatmore, 2006). These shifts challenge us to "do geography differently" (Dowling et al, 2017: 824) by following new methodological pathways and engaging with the political and ethical questions entailed in such work. Contributions from a variety of disciplines point to the affective, relational and potentially transformative dimensions of this kind of research, and suggest that if we are to engage with more-than-human geographies we must start with the arts of "noticing" (Head et al, 2014; Poe et al, 2014; Singh, 2017, 2018; Tsing, 2015; Tsing et al, 2017). This session aims to explore geographical practices of noticing and translation, research and writing, attuned to affect, entanglement, liveliness, flux, complexity, and rupture. We seek transformative and generative ways of knowing and writing more-than-human worlds, ways of translating affective encounters, and ways of passing along messages.

    Affect is defined variously as the differential capacity to affect and be affected, as a shimmer, or as a resonance existing between bodies that marks us with belonging or non-belonging in a world of encounters (Anderson, 2014; Clough, 2007; Massumi, 2002; Seigworth and Gregg, 2010). Affect entangles us, as both geographers and as beings, in more-than-human configurations and co-becomings with transformative potential. As Avery Gordon (2008: 8) tells us, certain experiences can "draw us affectively, sometimes against our will and always a bit magically, into the structure of feeling of a reality we come to experience, not as cold knowledge, but as a transformative recognition." Ben Anderson (2012, 2014) similarly suggests that an attention to affect offers us a way of wrestling with moments of change, and of reorienting towards possibility, potentiality, and futurity.

    As we conduct work in precarious presents, how might we "learn to be affected" (Latour, 2004; Lorimer, 2008), and how might the resulting research and representational practices generate new possibilities for world making? What are the implications of thinking with non-human kin (Todd, 2017), or of thinking of research as co-produced? How can our work in geography be attuned to the open-endedness of encounters? How might we approach contingent presents, altered spaces in flux, or fleeting ephemera without moves to purity or fixity? How do we research and write knots without untangling them? We are thinking about how to approach our work with "response-ability" (Haraway, 2016), humility, and respect, and how we might cultivate what Stengers (2005) has called an "ecology of practices." If relational approaches not only uncover but make worlds, how are we to do these worlds justice in translation? How might we attend to and mitigate the threats of ontological and representational violence (Sundberg, 2014)? What sorts of methods or tools are required to unsettle Western, modernist views, or extractive colonial perspectives and ways of seeing? What might it mean to do our work, as Stengers (2005) suggests, "in a minor key"?

    Queer, critical race, and critical disability theories of affect point towards its relation to bio- and necropolitics, and hierarchies of mattering (Chen, 2012; Puar, 2007, 2009). As both human and non-human populations are funneled towards premature death or forced life, accountability and change become imperative. Entanglement here might mean wrestling with questions of incapacity, violence, and complicity, as well as with how to support various forms of resurgence and flourishing. We are not simply unevenly implicated in, but unevenly chemically altered by these relations (Chen, 2012; Murphy, 2017). How might our methods be attuned to not only the responsibilities that arise from more-than-human entanglement, but also alternative world-making projects? 

    Examples of possible methodologies include (but are not limited to): arts-based practices; cross-disciplinary collaborations; decolonial Indigenous methodologies (Gómez-Barris, 2017, Kimmerer; Simpson, 2014; Todd, 2016; Watts, 2013); critical cartographies and counter-mapping (Buiani, 2018); experimental texts and fictocriticism (Stewart, 2007); visual methodologies (Gómez-Barris, 2017; Rose, 2011); film, video, and moving-image methodologies (Lorimer, 2010; Richardson-Ngwenya, 2014); soundscape practices (Gallagher et al, 2017); more-than-human ethologies (Hodgetts and Lorimer, 2015; Lorimer, 2007); atmospheric research (Hodgetts and Hester, 2017; Lorimer et al, 2019); multispecies and more-than-human ethnographies (Barua, 2014; Kirksey and Helmreich, 2010; Cruikshank, 2005; Lorimer, 2006; Pitt, 2015); multi-sensory ethnographies (Pink, 2015); visceral research (Sexton et al, 2017); and other self-consciously messy methods. We invite abstracts exploring these approaches to fieldwork and dissemination, and many more.

    Interested participants should submit an abstract by October 20 to both of the session organizers at loren.march@mail.utoronto.ca and timothy.bristow@utoronto.ca. Submissions should be in PDF or MS Word format, and must include a title, abstract (max. 250 words), keywords, the author's name, affiliation, and contact information. Please feel free to contact us with questions. 

    Please be sure to also submit your abstract to the AAG before their submission deadline on October 30, 2019. Please consult the AAG website for other relevant application deadlines.


    Ahmed, S. (2010) Happy Objects, in M. Gregg and G. J. Seigworth (eds.) The Affect Theory Reader. Durham and London: Duke University Press.

    Anderson, B. (2012) Affect and Biopower: Towards a Politics of Life. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 37(1), 28-43.

    Anderson, B. (2014) Encountering Affect: Capacities, Apparatuses, Conditions. London: Routledge. 

    Barua, M. (2014) Volatile Ecologies: Towards a Material Politics of Human-Animal Relations. Environment and Planning A, 46(6), 1462-1478.

    Buiani, R. (2018) Beyond Mapping: Seizing Affective Geographies in Toronto. Space and Culture, 21(2), 1-15.

    Chen, M.Y. (2012) Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect. Durham and London: Duke University Press.

    Clough, P.T. (2007) Introduction, in Clough, P.T. and Halley, J. (eds.) The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social. Durham: Duke University Press, 1-33.

    Cruikshank, J. (2005) Do Glaciers Listen? Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters and Social Imagination. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

    Dowling, R.; Lloyd, K. and Suchet-Pearson, S. (2017) Qualitative Methods II: 'More-than-Human Methodologies and/in Praxis. Progress in Human Geography, 41(6), 823-831.

    Gallagher, M.; Kanngieser, A. and Prior, J. (2017) Listening Geographies: Landscape, Affect and Geotechnologies. Progress in Human Geography, 41(5), 618-637.

    Gómez-Barris, M. (2017) The Extractive Zone. Durham & London: Duke University Press. 

    Gordon, A. (2008) Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.

    Haraway, D.J. (2016) Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Cthulucene. Durham and London: Duke University Press.

    Head, L.; Atchison, J.; Phillips, C. and Buckingham, K. (2014) Vegetal Politics: Belonging, Practices and Places. Social & Cultural Geography, 15(8), 861-870.

    Hodgetts, T. and Hester, (2017) How We Nose, in M. Bastian, O. Jones, N. Moore and E. Roe (eds.) Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds. London: Routledge.

    Hodgetts, T. and Lorimer, J. (2015) Methodologies for Animals' Geographies: Cultures, Communication and Genomics. Cultural Geographies, 22(2), 285-295.

    Kirksey, S.E. and Helmreich, S. (2010) The Emergence of Multispecies Ethnography. Cultural Anthropology, 25, 545-576.

    Latour, Bruno. (2004) How to Talk About the Body? The Normative Dimension of Science Studies. Body & Society, 10(2-3), 205-229.

    Lorimer, H. (2006) Herding Memories of Humans and Animals. Environment and Planning D: Society & Space, 24, 497-518.

    Lorimer, H. (2010) Moving Image Methodologies for More-than-Human Geographies. Cultural Geographies, 17(2), 237-258.

    Lorimer, J. (2007) Nonhuman Charisma. Environment and Planning D: Society & Space, 25(5), 911-932.

    Lorimer, J. (2008) Counting Corncrakes: The Affective Science of the UK Corncrake Census. Social Studies of Science 38, 377-405.

    Lorimer, J. (2012) Multinatural Geographies for the Anthropocene. Progress in Human Geography, 36(5), 593-612.

    Massumi, B. (2002) Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation. Durham: Duke University Press.

    Murphy, M. (2017) Alterlife and Decolonial Chemical Relations. Cultural Anthropology, 32(4), 494-503.

    Pink, S. (2015) Doing Sensory Ethnography. Second Edition. New Delhi: SAGE Publications.

    Pitt, H. (2015) On Showing and Being Shown Plants: A Guide to Methods for More-than-Human Geography. Area 47, 48-55.

    Poe, M.R.; LeCompte, J.; McLain, R. and Hurley P. (2014) Urban Foraging and the Relational Ecologies of Belonging. Social & Cultural Geography, 15, 901-919.

    Pratt, M.L. (2017) Coda: Concept and Chronotope, in A. Tsing, H. Swanson, E. Gan and N. Bubandt (eds.) Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

    Puar, J.K. (2007) Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Durham and London: Duke University Press.

    Puar, J.K. (2009) Prognosis time: Towards a Geopolitics of Affect, Debility and Capacity. Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, 19(2), 161-172.

    Richardson-Ngwenya, P. (2014) Performing a More-than-Human Material Imagination During Fieldwork: Muddy Boots, Diarizing and Putting Vitalism on Video. Cultural Geographies, 21(2), 293-299.

    Rose, G. (2011) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction. Fourth Edition. London: SAGE Publications.

    Seigworth, G.J. and Gregg, M. (2010) An Inventory of Shimmers, in The Affect Theory Reader. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1-25.

    Sexton, A.E.; Hayes-Conroy, A.; Sweet, E.L.; Miele, M. and Ash, J. (2017) Better than Text? Critical Reflections on the Practices of Visceral Methodologies in Human Geography. Geoforum, 82, 200-201.

    Simpson, L.B. (2014) Land as Pedagogy: Nishnaabeg Intelligence and Rebellious Transformation. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 3(3), 1-25.

    Singh, N. (2017) Becoming a Commoner: The Commons as Sites for Affective Socio-Nature Encounters and Co-Becomings. Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization, 17(4), 751-776.

    Singh, N. (2018) Introduction: Affective Ecologies and Conservation. Conservation and Society, 16(1), 1-7.

    Stengers, I. (2005) Introductory Notes on an Ecology of Practices. Cultural Studies Review, 11(1), 183-196.

    Stewart, K. (2007) Ordinary Affects. Durham and London: Duke University Press.

    Sundberg, J. (2013) Decolonizing Posthumanist Geographies. Cultural Geographies, 21(1), 33-47.

    Todd, Z. (2017) Fish, Kin and Hope: Tending to Water Violations in Amiskwaciwâskahikan and Treaty Six Territory.' Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, 43, 102-7.

    Todd, Z. (2016) An Indigenous Feminist's Take On The Ontological Turn: 'Ontology' Is Just Another Word For Colonialism. Journal of Historical Sociology, 29(1), 4-22.

    Tsing, A.L. (2015) The Mushroom at the End of the World. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.

    Tsing, A.; Swanson, H.; Gan, E. and Bubandt, N. (eds.) (2017) Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

    Watts, V. (2013) Indigenous Place-Thought and Agency Amongst Humans and Non-Humans (First Woman and Sky Woman go on a European Tour!). DIES: Decolonization, Indigeneity, Education and Society, 2(1), 20-34.

    Whatmore, S. (2006) Materialist Returns: Practicing Cultural Geography in a More-than-Human World. Cultural Geographies, 13, 600-609.

    Loren March
    University of Toronto