Policy Analyst...Physical Scientist...Environmental Protection Specialist...these are some of the job titles that Geography students are qualified for.
Did you know Geographers are in high demand for jobs at the US Environmental Protection Agency?
Here is a link to the current open positions at US EPA specifically for students and recent graduates. https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?a=EP00&hp=graduates&p=1
You can search ALL federal job postings at the main site https://www.usajobs.gov. You can also upload your resume, sign up for job alerts, and find out more about the federal hiring process.
Another good federal government job search site is: https://www.zintellect.com/Catalog
The EPA and other agencies are hiring hundred of people this year as funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law demands more staff to implement current and new programs. Don't wait until you're out of school to start looking, there are many opportunities for people with GIS skills and earth science backgrounds. Federal hiring is also cyclical and will not always have such a high demand so check out this website now!
Lucy Stanfield, GISP
GIS Specialist
US Environmental Protection Agency
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77 W. Jackson Blvd. LP-17J
Chicago, IL 60604