Division Bylaws

Division Bylaws

Division Bylaws


WEST LAKES DIVISION – BYLAWS (Adopted October 29, 1965, amended November 3, 1967, amended November 1984, amended October 1990, amended November 2, 2018.)


Section 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be the West Lakes Division, American Association of Geographers (AAG).


Section 2: Authority

This Division is organized in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution of the AAG. Nothing herein contained shall be construed in contradiction to that constitution, and in case of conflict the Constitution and Council of the American Association of Geographers shall be considered the final authority.


Section 3: Membership

The membership of this Division shall consist of all those members of the AAG whose Association mailing address lies within the bounded area of the West Lakes Division.


Section 4: Officers & Councilor

The officers of the Division shall be 1) the Chair and 2) the Vice-Chair, both of whom shall be members of the Division and the Association. The immediate past chair of the Division shall be considered available to the incumbent chair as counselor, and in this capacity will serve in the absence of the chair. In the event of a vacancy in the office of chair the immediate past chair shall resume that office, serving until the next annual meeting of the Division. Additionally, the Division shall be represented on the Council of the AAG by an elected Councilor, as authorized by the National Constitution and Bylaws.


Section 4a: Term of Office

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Division shall serve for a term of one year, holding office from approximately one week after the close of one annual meeting of the Division until approximately one week after the close of the following annual meeting. The Councilor shall be elected for a term of three years, holding office from July 1 of the election year to June 30 three years thereafter.


Section 4b: Method of Nomination and Election of Officers

Nomination of candidates for the offices of Chair and Vice-Chair shall be made by members from the floor at the annual business meeting. Election shall follow immediately and be by majority ballot vote of members present. The elevation of the Vice-Chair to the office of Chair shall be expected.





Section 5: Duties of Officers & Councilor




  • Serve as presiding officer at the annual meeting of the Division and the annual meeting business meeting.


  • Oversee all aspects of organizing the region’s annual meeting, g.: publicity, financial arrangements at the host institution, calls for participation, recruitment, as necessary, of field trip, Geo-bowl, student award coordinators, and so forth.


  • Coordinate with the AAG’s financial agent all aspects of budgeting for the region’s annual meeting and oversee all financial aspects of the region, in consultation with the region’s Vice Chair and Councilor.


  • Coordinate with and delegate responsibilities of meeting organization to the Vice-Chair as appropriate.


  • Appoint an interim Vice-Chair when a vacancy occurs in that office between annual meetings of the Division.


  • Appoint members and chair of such standing committees as may be established by Division action and appoint such ad hoc committees as he/she considers necessary.


  • Act on behalf of the Division in circumstances not otherwise covered by the Bylaws.


  • Represent the Division at Council meetings of the Association when the Councilor elected to represent the Division is unable to attend. When called upon to do so he/she shall be reimbursed by the Division for expenses not otherwise provided for, in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars.




  • In coordination with and as directed by the Chair, assist the Chair in the organization of the region’s annual meeting.


  • Take and maintain minutes of the business meetings of the Division.


  • File such reports as are required by the American Association of Geographers and its publications.


  • Maintain and pass on to his/her successor, in good order, the Division’s webpage and the records of the Division.


  • Prior to the region’s annual meeting, request from the AAG the region’s financial information and report transactions and balances at the business meeting.




  • The duties of the Councilor are as provided in the National Constitution.


  • The Councilor shall maintain a close liaison with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Division, and represent the membership of the Division in Council.


  • The Councilor shall be reimbursed by the Division for his/her expenses not otherwise provided for, in an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars, in order to attend Council meetings.


  • It is the responsibility of the outgoing Councilor to advertise, accept nominations for, and execute the election of their successor. The election of the incoming Councilor shall be completed prior to the springtime annual meeting of the AAG.


Section 6: Division Meetings


  1. Annual Meeting

At least one meeting of the Division shall be held annually, normally in the autumn. The time and place of the meeting shall be determined as follows: the Chair shall receive, prior to the annual meeting, written invitations to host future meetings to be voted upon by the members present. Meeting sites shall be determined at least two years in advance, whenever possible. Participation in the annual meeting, except for the business section, shall in no way be restricted.


  1. Annual Business Meeting

The Division shall conduct an annual business meeting, as an integral part of the annual meeting. At this time the business of the Division, including, but not restricted to, election of officers and acceptance of invitations for future meeting sites shall be transacted.


Section 7: Publication and Research

The Division may establish, subject to the approval of the AAG Council, research projects and/or publications.


Section 8: Quorum and Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members attending, who shall be considered a quorum, any annual business meeting of the Division.


Section 9: Adoption

These Bylaws shall be considered to have been adopted when they have been approved by a two-thirds majority vote of those members attending an annual business meeting of the Division and have been accepted by the Council of the American Association of Geographers.