2020 Annual Meeting: November 13, 2020
Location: Virtual
Contact: Stacey Brown Amilian, stabrow@siue.edu
Website: http://www.siue.edu/wldaag
Stacey Brown-Amilian
Department of Geography
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Alumni Hall 1412
Edwardsville, IL 62026
tel: 618-650-5735
email: stabrow@siue.edu
Past Chair
Dr. Bingqing Liang
Department of Geography
University of Northern Iowa
ITTC 209
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
tel: (319) 273-3609
email: bingqing.liang@uni.edu
Regional Councillor
Woonsup Choi
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Tel: 414-229-26715
email: wchoi@alumni.illinois.edu
West Lakes SAGE Coordinator
Mike Kukral
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Avenue
Terre Haute, IN 47803