LASG is one of the Specialty Groups of the AAG (Association of American Geographers ), so you must first become a member of the AAG. The AAG Membership page is, and lists all the benefits of membership.
AAG student membership fees are currently $38-49 per year. In addition, the AAG has established the
Developing Regions Membership Program, through which eligible professionals from developing regions of the world may join the AAG for the deeply discounted rate of $20 per year.
You can sign up for LASG membership when at the same time that you are signing up for or renewing AAG membership. Information on all of the AAG Specialty Groups can be found here for LASG are $10, with a student rate of $5 per year, and persons from developing countries pay no fee to join LASG. Membership in LASG entitles you to access the LASG Bulletin Board and Discussion Listserve page on the AAG website, as well as voting rights at the Annual Business Meeting held during each AAG Annual Meeting, and access to the LASG/CLAG Newsletter, a joint publication of LASG and CLAG. Student members are eligible for LASG student awards. Check the AAG Membership page for all of their membership benefits.
LASG encourages membership in CLAG, our sister organization. Membership includes two issues of the
Journal of Latin American Geography every year.